Safe newborn photography must be a priority to see more of my work click here.
I am now an approved member of BANPAS, photographers are not regulated in our Country so it is down to individual photographers to ensure they are safe and insured, by joining BANPAS I believe is the only way to move forward, all too often photographers see unsafe practices involving newborns, whilst this may look cute and fairly easy, it is actually hard to master certain poses. Babies can jerk even in a laying position. I know fellow photographers that make all the excuses in the world why they haven’t got insurance, I have gone without to set my newborn business up properly, I had insurance from the word go, and I know there are MANY other likeminded photographers across the Country and in this area who are devoted to baby safety. Sometimes you may save £50 or more by going to someone cheap but you have to ask yourself, is it worth the risk?