The child – Mandalorian Star Wars inspired newborn shoot
When I was contacted to see if I could do this families newborn shoot, and Mum mentioned the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda, I jumped at the chance to record this families cherished newborn moments and create the composite photos of this Star Wars inspired newborn shoot. A huge amount of planning and research went into the photoshoot, from studying Yoda, and watching the Mandalorian. I hand felted the Yoda hat and made the ears in proportion to Yoda’s head size, and then I made his little costume. Dad had actually purchased a Mandalorian suit but the time in editing went into making it look real, the side profile shot took 18 hours in editing to get it to the fan art style brief, but I’m so happy with how it turned out.
What a fun family to work with! On the day of the shoot there were a few family members there, I ended up travelling to Southend as on a bad run it can be a couple of hours and I felt two hours would be too much for this cute little baby, so they had their newborn shoot at home. The love for this little baby was palpable with them all singing “we love you” songs to him whilst he had nappy changes. It was such a joy to see. We got some beautiful family shots including the Star Wars Dad and Star Wars Baby t shirts, alongside a Peter Pan themed baby photo, and some more Star Wars themed, we also did safe in Mum and Dad’s hands shot, and some simple ones of him laying on a white newborn blanket.