Essex newborn baby photos – Baby Teddy Christmas baby photo shoot
I squeezed this beautiful family in last year when another Essex photographer kindly recommended me as she was on maternity leave. Baby Teddy was already 3 weeks old when his Mummy brought him to my home studio on the Essex/Suffolk border, and I split their session so she could bring Teddy’s brother and sister over another evening when Daddy finished work and they were not at school. Capturing those sweet snoozy sleepy shots was the most important, and I often will add another photo session in if siblings are at school and the family have left it late to book in. Teddy actually slept really well and you can see how gorgeous the beautiful baby photos of him are.
Cute baby photos Essex
Mum particularly wanted a photo of Teddy in a bear ear hat, sleeping on a wooden bed for his newborn photos. So this was taken safely by Mum being right as his side and holding first his back and then near his bottom with instructions to never let go, the photos were then blended together in photoshop to make it look like baby Teddy was laying on the newborn prop bed by himself. Of course baby safety is the most important thing to me as a newborn photographer, I won’t take the photo unless baby is safe and happy.
Newborn Photography Essex – Elf on the Shelf inspired newborn photos
I photographed an awful lot of babies last year dresses as Elves and “sitting” on shelves, babies actually are placed on the floor, I have a camera strap round my neck at all times when photographing over babies or children to ensure they are safe, again I spend my time editing the baby photos to make it look like they are magically snoozing on a shelf or other newborn prop and am always coming up with creative ideas to offer bespoke luxury newborn photography to the many families that travel to me for their beautiful baby photos.