Child & newborn photos Essex Newborn Photographer Christmas

Child & newborn photos Essex Newborn Photographer Christmas

Essex Newborn Photographer I am truly blessed to have my gorgeous family, and a happy home. I do quite a bit of charity work all year. However at Christmas when some of us are looking to wind down closer to the time, and planning ahead. I realise some families are...
My favourite newborn photos – Essex Newborn Photographer – Harry Potter, Elf on Shelf, Baby in a sleigh

My favourite newborn photos – Essex Newborn Photographer – Harry Potter, Elf on Shelf, Baby in a sleigh

Stunning baby photos – Essex Newborn Baby Photographer I thought I would take a moment as we’re creeping towards the end of the year to showcase some of my most favourite newborn images from the last year. I’ve been priviledged to photography so many...
Suffolk & Essex Newborn Photographer – top tips for parents for a great newborn shoot

Suffolk & Essex Newborn Photographer – top tips for parents for a great newborn shoot

A guide for parents – getting the most from your newborn photography session – Suffolk & Essex Newborn Photographer Choose the right style baby photographer! Baby photography is really a matter of taste and so it helps to know the type of images you...
Essex Newborn Photographer – wide awake baby Noah’s photoshoot!

Essex Newborn Photographer – wide awake baby Noah’s photoshoot!

Baby Noah was wide awake for most of his session! He even came in the recommended time at under 14 days new. Newborn photography can be challenging at times, we still managed to get the most beautiful images. Liz Wood offers baby photography in Essex and Suffolk. The...