Child & baby limited edition Christmas photos Essex -Suffolk

Child & baby limited edition Christmas photos Essex -Suffolk

Beautiful Christmas photoshoots of gorgeous babies and children It’s that most wonderful time of the year, I LOVE Christmas! I’m offering one set of very limited edition baby photography on the darker wood backdrop, with beautiful fairy lights. The...
My favourite newborn photos – Essex Newborn Photographer – Harry Potter, Elf on Shelf, Baby in a sleigh

My favourite newborn photos – Essex Newborn Photographer – Harry Potter, Elf on Shelf, Baby in a sleigh

Stunning baby photos – Essex Newborn Baby Photographer I thought I would take a moment as we’re creeping towards the end of the year to showcase some of my most favourite newborn images from the last year. I’ve been priviledged to photography so many...
Tips to help baby sleep – Suffolk & Essex baby photography blog

Tips to help baby sleep – Suffolk & Essex baby photography blog

We’ve made it our job to get babies to sleep! Top tips for snoozy babies – Newborn photography Essex I guess every newborn photographer is the same! I’m frequently asked by my lovely clients if they can take me home when they astounded their non...
Suffolk & Essex Newborn Photographer – top tips for parents for a great newborn shoot

Suffolk & Essex Newborn Photographer – top tips for parents for a great newborn shoot

A guide for parents – getting the most from your newborn photography session – Suffolk & Essex Newborn Photographer Choose the right style baby photographer! Baby photography is really a matter of taste and so it helps to know the type of images you...
Sleepy William’s shoot – Chelmsford Newborn Photographer

Sleepy William’s shoot – Chelmsford Newborn Photographer

William on his Chelmsford Newborn shoot How beautiful is this gorgeous little newborn – William actually was awake for a lot of his shoot and I guess this must be one of my signature poses for newborns, it shows their squishy rolls, chubby little cheeks, and...