There must be something in the water! Friday will see me photographing my third set of twins in a month. I travelled to Chelmsford, Essex to photograph this gorgeous boy and girl twins. There is something so special and adorable seeing two tiny babies that have shared the same confined space for 8-9 months, snugle into each other, the way their breathing settles. Best friends forever. I’m always amazed at how different they can be too, their skin tones were completely different. I love capturing the connection of twins and triplets! Did you know that identical twins start out with identical fingerprints in the womb but when they start touching the aminiotic sac, ridges and lines are formed which end up with them having different fingerprints!

Another fascinating twin fact from Utah State University has recently found that Mum’s of twins are healthier! For more twin facts check out Twins UK
During a twin shoot, whilst one feeds, I can photograph the other baby, however if one is hungry or unsettled one tends to wake the other! I really am very much in awe of new Mum’s and Dad’s to multiple babies, I get to cuddle them, pose and photograph them all in the cute props, hats and headbands, and then give them back! It always stuns me just how laidback new Mum’s to twins tend to be.

I’m going to leave you with this precious image of them in a fox hat and fox ear headband, snoozing peacefully in my little wooden newborn bed. Absolutely magical and sweet little twins – sleepy babies!